Guest Post Submission ‘Rules’

First let me state I love posting guest posts on a variety of topics and from all over the world, but I do have an idea of what I want and do not want.
So if you want a spot on my blog during Guest Blogger Day, please follow these ‘rules’:

Word count
Between 500 and 750 (okay, I’m not real strict but 1000 is way too much)

Hard Rule
No religious messages.
No hate messages.

And no pure book promotions! If you want to promote your book, request a promotion by filling out the Request a Spot form.

Okay topics
Random thoughts, a great recipe, a funny rant, a friendly rambling, your short but sweet guide How To … (fill in with your topic), if you are an author there will be the possibility to mention 1 book title and buy link below the article.

Links and by line
It is fine to add one link to your by line at the end of the post. This can either be a link to your site, or a buy link for your book. Because let’s face it, if you write a great guest post my readers will probably want to know where to find more of you, and you want them to be able to easily find you and your work.

Pictures and quotes
Please send a picture of you and a picture suited to the post along with the submission. But … Yes, there is a but.
If you use photo’s, pictures, or gifs and they’re not made by you, they should be properly attributed.
The use of quotes is allowed, encouraged, but when used they too should have proper citation.

Double spaced, font Arial 12pt, as a .doc, .rtf, or .txt file

Make sure your post is properly proof-read, edited and formatted. It has to be ready to post. If not, I will either ask you to edit, and/or format, or refuse your piece.

Where to send
Submit your work through the form below.

If your post is accepted, you will receive a publication date through mail. If your post is refused, you will get notification within two weeks after submission.

As you can see I do not have a long list of difficult rules so please follow them.

I’m looking forward to heaps and heaps of submissions. đŸ™‚

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