How to Deal with Perfect Imperfections

“Nature needs no reason, Yet all of us have expectations and our reasons for them.” says lucy as she looks out the window and watches how nature does what it does without a need to please or expecting anything in return. “Only humans seem to need reasons to justify their expectations and demand understanding or even sympathy. What if all humans would cease to expect what they feel is how others should/could be, because their perception of the other humans is tainted with their expectations and might not be aligned with reality at all and therefor can never be fulfilled to match their expectations.” Lucy sits back and smiles, blinking at the last thought. “Just be and live the way ones story naturally flows to the rhythm of the music that sets ones pace to find that inner most peace and then, only then, one can be fully content. But wouldn’t that be a perfect world? And we all know there is no such thing as perfection, there is only life with all its flaws which show just how one should count his/her blessings instead of look for what one does not, or cannot, have.” And she rises to prepare an espresso before going out into daily life with all its magnificent imperfections.

perfect imperfection

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