Giveaway and Book Blast – Love is Never Past Tense


book by Janna Yeshanova
Graphic designed and made by Kriss Morton

Today I would like to give you a small sample of the book, just to wet your appetite.

A couple’s quick romance and hasty marriage is torn apart by family and fate, leaving them to face the collapse of the Soviet Union separately. Years later,old memories are stirred to give their love a second chance.

Serge and Janna’s chance meeting at a Black Sea beach sparks a passionate romance and a quick marriage. Serge’s parents, suspicious of Janna’s motives and heritage, force him to break up with her. As the Soviet Union collapses, revealing ethnic and social pressures, each faces danger separately. Serge drowns in self doubt, his life spiraling down and in. Janna plots a dangerous exodus to America with her mother and daughter. Years pass, stirring old emotions, and changing circumstances give their love a second chance. Janna Yeshanova tells a life story, providing a very personal view of political and social change.

A remarkable second chance romance told with amazing realism in the style of a classic Russian novel.

Love is Never Past Tense

by Janna Yeshanova

Amazon|B&N|Ebookit|Kobo|Google|Ingram (Diesel)

Autographed copies are available at the Love Is Never Past Tense Website 

Or you can enter the Giveaway and try to win one, there’s also a gift certificate to win. 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

10 thoughts on “Giveaway and Book Blast – Love is Never Past Tense

  1. Wow, beaches and romance are right up my alley. I’d probably love this book because Penniless Hearts is beaches and romance too but not really what you might expect. LOL Love is Never Past Tense sounds good and I might have to get to it someday.

  2. Pingback: Giveaway and Book Blast – Love is Never Past Tense | Janna Yeshanova

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